All of a sudden, you could hear footsteps. Some one was approaching you; some one gentle, soft and frail. It was her.
She was elegant and serene. She brought with her the scent of a thousand roses. She had the chill of a million dew drops and the freshness of a lifetime of dawns. She was heading somewhere steadily. Deep down in your heart you prayed if she would stop. She seemed to be preoccupied. Just when she was about to cross you, she happened to catch you watching her. She stopped.
She asked you who you were. You started talking. You talked to her with a rapport that you had never experienced before. You thought she wanted to know more of you. You were only glad to tell her. You told her even about the things that you had dreamt of. She never gave a clue of who she was. She was playful; yet she knew and talked about the journey. She seemed to have had more journeys than you.She was sophisticated.You felt a bit inferior; yet you wanted her to be your friend.
Throughout the conversation you could catch her gazing towards the point where the path touched the horizon; she sure had a long way to tread.
Some how, she could help you re-bind many, if not all, of the broken pieces of that skipping constituent right inside your chest. She could just lift and support that unbearably heavy mind of yours. The sun began to feel cold. There was no thirst. Instead,you felt an abundance of moisture. Instead of pain there were comfort and delight. You prayed that she would never leave.
Out of sheer bliss, you closed your eyes. You were content. You smiled with your eyes closed. When you couldn't deprive your eyes of the pleasure of her sight, you let them open. She was gone! You could hear her footsteps again; advancing away from you.
She was the breeze. She had to go. You cannot hold her;neither can you follow her.